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Hey, This Is Emad Hanif

Specialized in developing phenomenal digital products with an emphasis on performance, security and responsiveness. Realized my passion and commenced the journey to become a proficient full-stack developer. My story is simple, I went to a business school and returned as a developer.

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About Me

I develop products to help people solve the problem.

A full stack developer – focused on creating immersive digital experience and transforming ideas into reality through code. Took an unconventional path into the world of technology. The journey began at a business school and after two years, I discovered my passion for information technology. Driven by the curiosity, I embarked on to become a self-taught developer. It was a scintillating and arduous path ~ honed my skills in problem-solving & learnt the art of finding solutions. Three key element which were pivotal to my success – belief, desire & persistence.

But the journey didn't stop there; I expanded my expertise into data management, analytics, expert systems, and cloud infrastructure management.

My specialization lies in developing cutting-edge digital solutions tailored for enterprises. But here's the twist – it's not limited to web development alone. I love to create desktop applications using javafx as well as mobile apps using angular+ionic.

Four Ingredients, I use for coding ~

Coffee makes life look betterJavaSpringAngular

Products are made on three principles


Services & Solutions

I design solutions to help business grow
Database Management & Analytics
Database Management & Analytics
  • Seamless backup recovery plan using two-tiered architecture.
  • Build infrastructure to handle the current & expected data workloads.
  • Implement data governance which incorporates data security & data quality.
  • Leverage best tools to bring cost efficiency.
  • Data analytics is not solely limited to large enterprises — Enable SMEs to make better & accurate decision.
  • Ascertain interesting patterns & relationship to help enterprises in making informed decisions.
  • Assist in data-driven business & augment operational efficiency.
Web Development
Web Development
  • Enterprises require flexible, robust and secure solutions to assist in managing intricate operations effectively.
  • Provide intuitive, scalable & cost-efficient solution.
  • Create digital solutions to help attaining competitive edge, augment the business growth & foster brand recognition.
  • Bring transparency in business operations and enhanced collaboration with external partners.
Application Development
Application Development
  • Propel business towards digital transformation.
  • Provide mobile & desktop solutions with seamless integration experience.
  • Bring application modernization to legacy systems.
  • Enable enterprises to augment customer loyalty.
Cloud Infrastructure
Cloud Infrastructure Management
  • Develop architecture which incorporates all the aspects related to performance, security and scalability.
  • Incorporate cost-efficient approach.
  • Meaningful digital experience through robust & secure infrastructure.
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
  • Develop state of the art ML models to resolve complex industry problems.
  • Perform forecasting using customized SDK which harnesess the power of ML.
  • Association Learning.
  • Clustering — Group Segmentation.
  • No Python, Only Java
Business Optimization
Business Optimization
  • Expertise in developing optimization algorithms to enhance process efficiency.
  • Bring innovative approach through multiple techniques and tools to enhance the overall performance, productivity and efficiency of critical business process.
  • Create solutions to attain maximum output while abating the impact of constraints.
Let's Work Together
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Have questions? Requests? Ideas or whatever it is, feel free to drop me a line.
